Paula Moldenhauer
Meet Jesus

My guess is if you clicked the button for this page you’re either wondering about this whole Jesus stuff, or you’re already someone who believes in Jesus, but wants to know my thoughts about Him.

Either way I welcome you.

Most people concede that Jesus was a brilliant teacher, a good man who walked the earth over 2,000 years ago. Some of us take that a step farther and claim that He not only lived here then, but is also the same God through whom all things were made at the beginning of the world and the same God who continues to rule the universe.

This Jesus came to humanity because God, the Father, loved the world so much He wanted to be reconciled to those He created. He sent Jesus, not to condemn the world, but so the world could be saved through His sacrifice.

And so Jesus walked the earth, told us we were loved and taught us to forgive, serve, love, and seek right living. An exact representation of His Father, He showed us who God is. Then, at the right time in history and in His earthly pilgrimage, He allowed Himself to be killed, nailed to a cruel cross, despised and ridiculed by those who watched. The Bible says He was like a spotless lamb led to the slaughter. He allowed Himself to be killed to take God’s judgment for the faults of the world upon Himself.

Jesus, the only perfect man who ever lived, died for all of our sins, faults, transgressions, mistakes. He who’d known only unconditional love cried out, “My God, my God, why Have You forsake Me?” as the darkness of the world separated Him from His Loving Father for the very first time.

But the story doesn’t end there. After being in a tomb sealed behind a large stone for three days, He came back to life, visited His friends, and then returned to His Father. This act of sacrificial love paid the price for all of us and cleared the way for humanity to live in relationship with a Loving God once again.  

While I’ve known Jesus for most of my life, I let stuff get in the way of deeper relationship with Him. For me, it was mostly the rules and pride of religion that held me back. I got so caught up in trying to be perfect for Him that I missed the point. HE was perfect for me! Instead of performing to be good enough, I could rest in His sacrifice and be His friend.

For other people I know, bad choices, shame, anger, or arrogance got in the way of truly knowing Him.

Thankfully, none of us have to have it all figured out to meet Jesus.

All we have to do is come to Him, tell Him we believe He saves us, and give Him permission to take over the running of our life. When we admit we’ve messed up, He joyfully gives us complete forgiveness. We’re clean from the inside out.

But it doesn’t stop there. Each day can be a journey of discovery of Who He is.

Have you met Jesus? If so, do you walk daily in a relationship of joy and peace grounded in His unconditional love?

Meet Jesus. He’s eager to meet you.

(If you just met Jesus for the first time, you might enjoy an article I found on the Internet called “I’ve Decided to Become a Christian. Now What?”  And I’d love to hear from you as well!)