Paula Moldenhauer
The Quirky Little Chuckles at My House
This morning everything is making me chuckle. I’m reveling in the delight of homeschooling on a beautiful, snowy day . . . Sharing a couple of vignettes. Hope they bring a smile to your lips, too.
He’s much bigger than this now, but
I’m glad the  boyish wonder is still there.
My youngest begged me to have devotions outside. I stood firm on my “no” even after he promised to cover the snowy ground with a tarp, then cover us up in blankets so we’d stay warm. I almost relented when he suggested we at least sit in the shed with the doors open so we could watch the snow fall even if we weren’t in it. I’m still thinking about giving in. I mean homeschoolers can do stuff like that, right? And shouldn’t we embrace the moment?

An argument that made me out right laugh went like this:
Sam: Spanish is so hard today.
Stephen: Not as hard as writing a poem in the style of Shakespeare!
Sam: At least that’s in English.
Stephen: Shakespeare is NOT English!
Within five minutes the twenty-year-old poetry loving daughter dropped her hair styling wand and delayed her rush to work to drag her brother into her room and begin reading Shakespeare poetry to him, in her sweet, passioned voice that reminded me of Mary Ann in Sense and Sensibility.
Stephen, however, remained unconvinced.
Of course at 13 and 15 they look
nothing like this today.
After days of hearing Stephen (hooked on all things old-fashioned, country, folksy, wild west or historical) singing a folk song and listening to Sam (hooked on all thing not old-fashioned, country, folksy, wild west or historical) complain about the song, I overheard them burst out singing together:
Running Bear, love Little White Dove
With a love as big as the sky
Running Bear, love Little White Dove
With love a love that couldn’t die!

I guess if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em.
Guess it’s time to quit chuckling and re-engage with the boys. I’ve got devotions in the snow waiting!